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Tenured and Tenure Track Appointments

This rank is parallel to the rank of Assistant Professor. The appointee must hold a master's degree in an appropriate discipline and show evidence of academic ability and leadership skills.

The appointee shall have qualities suggesting a high level of teaching ability in the relevant academic field, and shall provide evidence of potential for superior research, scholarship,

In addition to having the qualifications of an Assistant Professor, the appointee shall have a high level of competence in teaching and advisement in the relevant academic field, shall have demonst

The title, Distinguished University Professor, will be conferred by the President upon a limited number of members of the faculty of the University of Maryland at College Park in recognition of dis

This rank is parallel to the rank of Professor.

In addition to having the qualifications of an Associate Professor, the appointee shall have established a national and, where appropriate, international reputation for outstanding research, schola

This rank is parallel to the rank of Associate Professor.