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Administrator Guides

Accessing Submitted Reports in Workflow

Submitted annual activity reports, and any personal statements or other materials that were submitted with the report, can be downloaded from the Workflow Submissions dashboard. 

Accreditation Support with Faculty Success

Departments and colleges/schools across the campus are periodically involved in accreditation efforts. These are labor intensive efforts and tend to require the assembling of faculty information.

Administrator User Guide: Information on using Faculty Success, specific to Administrators.
Annual Activity Report Submission | Submissions Dashboard

This guide explains how to access and navigate the Workflow Submissions Dashboard in Faculty Success. The Workflow Submissions dashboard includes status information for active schedules, as well as access to past submissions.

Annual Report Approver Guide Annual Activity Report Submission | Approver Instructions Chairs, directors and deans have approval tasks in Faculty Success. The approver for a faculty member's annual report submission is determined by the faculty member's primary appointment in PHR.
Configured Reports Lists the pre-configured reports in Faculty Success that faculty have access to, and those for administrators only.
Create Your Own Reports... and Share Them

Not only can you generate custom reports in Faculty Success such as the Annual Activity Report, or University CV, but you can also create your own report templates, save them for future use and share them with other Faculty Success users.

Faculty Titles Included in Faculty Success Details on which paid faculty are included as users in Faculty Success, by faculty title.